The 90–90 Rule for Planning and Productivity

How to finally finish your projects on time

Sebastian Hallqvist
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Magda Ehlers/Pexels

I run a startup that helps people improve their health problems. My co-founders and I recently launched our smartphone app to google play and app store. During the process of building the app, we learned a valuable rule for productivity and planning.

Only one of us is a programmer, so for the coding process, everyone else had to rely mainly on his communication for updates about our progress:

After just a couple of weeks, he reported he was 80% done.

It then took almost as long for him to get to 90%.

And after another couple of weeks, it was finally “done.”

But it wasn’t done.

Then, in order to avoid an issue that would have caused inconvenience for our users, we decided to wait for a response on a support ticket from our development platform.

Then we had to create the required marketing assets to present in google play and app store. We had to create an image of how we wanted to be perceived by potential users.

Then we needed to submit the app to both google and apple and get accepted by them. This can take a couple of days. As it happened, we ended up with a tiny remark. We didn’t get…



Sebastian Hallqvist
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Founder & CEO at OMNI¹ ( I write about the intersection of modern life and our natural state of being.