The Case for Living With Your Parents After College

A couple of long years in your hometown will set you up for the future

Ryan Porter
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Joshua Rondeau/Unsplash

Fireworks exploded in my mind as I walked the gym floor I’d first seen four years ago. I climbed the stairs, almost tripped on my robe, and made the exchange.

My diploma was in my hands. Well, just a sample one. The real diploma would arrive in the mail in a few months.

I was ready to get the hell out of this college town and move on with my life. I was actually excited to go back home. I ate Thai food with my parents, and we discussed my move-in schedule back to their home.

They were excited for me to come home too.

After moving in, I had a glorious summer. Every day was an open book: no more late-night newsroom shifts, boring internships, or early morning labs.

I had time. I had all the time in the world.

  • I had time to workout everyday
  • I visited my friends who were also graduating soon
  • I went to Las Vegas and Hawaii.

Life was pretty sweet until I ran out of money. Finding a job, as it turned out, wasn’t easy. I was a freshman again, but this time I was in the real world.



Ryan Porter
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

I’ve helped generate $20 million with video marketing. Now I help solopreneurs get more leads: