The Downsides of Freelancing We Need to Talk About

It’s not always as glamorous as it seems.

Victoria A. Fraser
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: RODNAE Productions/Pexels

Most days, I enjoy freelancing, and I’m shocked I’ve made it this far. There are many upsides to working for yourself, like flexibility, higher wages, and independence. But of course, nothing is black and white, and there is a lot of room for grey.

Today has been a nightmare for me. I’ve made a few poor decisions that left me exhausted and burnt out. So let’s talk about some reasons freelancing isn’t the “picture perfect” life you think it is.

You have to learn to say no

While this might not seem like a downside, I’ve made this mistake a lot lately. Too many opportunities landed on my lap at once, and in my eagerness, I said yes to all of them. Yikes.

I’m working on way too many projects, and I will probably let one of my clients down. If you know me, I am a very timely and organized person, so this is not normal. I’m wracked with guilt, and I know I’m going to have to work late tonight.

While saying “no” can feel empowering because it means you’re in demand, it also feels uncomfortable to have to tell someone you can’t help them. Especially if you really want to help them! You need to weigh carefully what projects you can do and what ones you…



Victoria A. Fraser
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Freelance copywriter, humourist, podcaster, and nerd. Follow along for writing tips, marketing blather, and my opinions!