The Real Cost of Not Investing Young

Reasons to invest early on in your life

Joanna Henderson
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Austin Distel/Unsplash

Investing is essential when dealing with money. Students should learn about money and investments starting from middle school. Once you start making money, you need to know how to manage it; otherwise, you may end up spending your entire income while having no savings or security. Not only will investing make your life easier, but it will also give you numerous opportunities to better your life and have a piece of mind.

Benefits of Investing Early

The earlier you start investing, the more capital you will build. Ideally, you should educate yourself on investment instruments right after receiving the very first paycheque. You cannot expect a 14-year-old working at an ice cream shop once a week to read up on mutual funds and ETFs. However, when you start earning regular income and make financial decisions — this is the prime time to learn about finances.

There is a massive difference between starting your investment portfolio at 20 and 30. The later you start, the fewer chances you get to earn passive income and grow your investments.

Imagine you’re planning to put away $500 monthly until turning 65. Look at the difference between starting an investment account at 20 compared to starting at 30, if…



Joanna Henderson
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Canadian. Mental health activist. Banker and financier who drinks too much coffee. Pursuing happiness and sharing my thoughts with others.