The Scientific Reason Affirmations Work

Sam Holstein
7 min readApr 15, 2019


Anyone who’s read even a little self-help has come across New Age-y talk of vibrations. The theory goes like this: Everything in the world has a ‘vibration.’ Good things, like wealth and love and fabulous skin, have a ‘high vibration.’ Bad things, like drug addiction and the IRS auditing you, have a ‘low vibration.’

“Judgment is a negative frequency.”
Stephen Richards

Things are attracted to each other in this world, and like attracts like. So, the trick of being successful in life is learning how to raise your vibration to a high energy level so you might attract other high energy things and people into your life. Books touting this view of things often have aphorisms like the following:

  • “Nothing has meaning but what you give it.”
  • “You get more of what you think about. Think about sadness, you get sadness, think about joy, you get joy.”
  • “The world is only what you think it is.”

According to this theory, the best thing you can do for your success is Affirmations. To do an Affirmation, stand in front of a mirror with your hand on your heart and state that which you want to be true as if it is already true. The key to a good Affirmation is specificity. Here are some example affirmations:

  • A single person might say “I am…

