The Truth Is You Need To Stop Applying And Start Traveling

Tom Kuegler
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
3 min readMay 2, 2017


“Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.”

-Franz Kafka

Don’t start your job. Don’t sign on for an apartment. Don’t do anything besides buy a plane ticket out of this country. This should be your biggest priority.

When I checked in to my very first hostel in New Orleans, I was surrounded by mostly millennial folks from different countries. There was a guy from London, who I would later help transport all the way to Phoenix, a group from Australia, who just graduated and got back from Vegas (how?), and even a couple girls from New Zealand who wanted to hear the famed jazz bands of The Big Easy while strolling down Bourbon Street.

New Orleans was my first stop on what would become a four-month road trip across the country. The lights excited me, the music tingled my fingers, and the narrow streets beckoned me forward.

Go Ahead, Listen To The Voice In Your Head

In New Orleans I realized there were people like me. Millennials who travel to foreign countries and sleep in cheap hostels and stay out until six in the morning.

