Taking Action

Kartikey Rai
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
3 min readApr 21, 2019
Photo by Ari He on Unsplash

#1— No Why/Vision = No action

When there is a big ass goal. You will have to keep your mind focused and engaged or you’ll lose the sense of the bigger picture and get lost in everyday bullsh*t.

Genius is the person who sees his goal, whose enthusiasm is ever alive, who walks steadily toward that goal, who struggles all the time to keep the Vision undimmed; who is never submerged by the petty things of life, by family and worldly troubles, but who is all the time pushing them aside and trying to keep that Vision ever before him clear and pure. — Jiddu Krishnamurti

In striving to attain your goal you ought to acquire that interest which drives you ever onwards, which gives you vitality, mental and moral. If you are going to help the world -not just a few, but the whole world- you must get that Vision, fill yourself with that Vision; and when you have filled yourself with it, when you are part of it, when it is your own, then you can bring others to it. That is what you have to do and that is the desire that must be awakened within you.

First, you must have the craving, then you will satisfy it.

#2 — No Danger/Urgency = No action

If you can’t see the danger of something you will procrastinate. To take Action you have to have a sense of urgency.

Realize that if you miss your task today, you will miss it tomorrow, and then you’ll miss it every day.

What is the difference between the person who said “tomorrow” today and the person tomorrow? You ain’t becoming Batman tomorrow. You don’t change tomorrow. You procrastinate today and then you procrastinate tomorrow then you procrastinate every day.

When you have a sense of urgency you don’t take action, there is action. It’s automatic. You don’t need willpower or anything. Action is spontaneous.

So, create a sense of urgency for yourself. Put a gun to your head. Burn the boats. Action will flow itself.

#3 — Overthinking = No action

Taking action is always in the present moment. You just do it or you just don’t.

If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.” — Bruce Lee

Just stop thinking. Get present to the moment. Relax. Punch through the fuck*ing wall.

Mental chattering is a waste of time and energy because thinking is not gonna solve any problem.

You must have your mind and emotions alive all day long, active and not dormant.

#4 Unhealthy body = No action

Pretty obvious yet insanely important but nobody talks about this.

If you eat Cheetos all day, you will procrastinate. The mind is related to the body. If you feel your body health, your brain will be somewhat healthy.

I recommend reading “The Ultramind Solutions” by Mark Hyman.

