The Pros and Cons of Writing Constantly

Being a content creator in today’s writing climate basically means that you’re writing around clock.

Leigh Victoria Phan, MS
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo Courtesy of skumer

Being a blogger in today’s writing climate basically means that you’re writing around the clock. You’re writing so often that there’s no rhyme or reason anymore to whether or not you’re in the mood to write. You just write.

If you’re a freelance writer too, then you’re even more familiar with the ups and downs of writing nonstop.

But that’s okay; we’re writers, it’s what we do.

There are pros and cons to writing constantly. Let’s start with the good.

Photo Courtesy of Kitti Phan

1. You do improve, even if you’re not consciously trying to.

The more you do something, the more you optimize your process and get better at it. Practice makes perfect. If you’re writing a lot, it becomes easier to see the recurring flaws in your writing, which makes it easier to fix.

Even if you aren’t sitting down for hours watching tutorials, reading a good writing tip here…



Leigh Victoria Phan, MS
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Brooklyn-based writer and poet. Designer in NYC. Drinks books and loves coffee. Has an MS from NYU in Integrated Design & Media. Working on an MFA in Fiction.