Image by Alexandr Ivanov from Pixabay

These 5 Brutal Epiphanies About Money Could Make You Millions

$10,000,000 would destroy you.


1. $10,000,000 Dollars Would Probably Destroy You Right Now.

One of the bitterest truths about money is that more money won’t solve your problems.

Actually, more money only magnifies your current habits. And if you have bad money habits, a lot of money could actually destroy you.

Darren Hardy, best-selling author and former editor-in-chief of SUCCESS Magazine, once told a story about how he made a fortune selling real estate…and almost went to jail for it.

Hardy was doing very well for a young realtor in his 20s. He was quickly making tens, then hundreds of thousands of dollars.

But as his income went up, so did his taxes. And when he went to his accountant, Hardy was told some devastating news: he owed nearly $100,000 dollars in taxes — money he had already spent.

Hardy spent most of the following year’s income paying the previous year’s taxes. It was a lesson he’d never forget — unpaid taxes of that amount meant serious jail time.

Think about how much you make right now. Now, think about how much you pay in taxes.



Anthony Moore
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Writer for CNBC, Business Insider, Fast Company, Thought Catalog, Yahoo! Finance, and you.