This Girl Is Getting Roasted For Her 13 Boyfriend Requirements On Twitter

I like them, though

Tom Kuegler
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo by Hannah Skelly on Unsplash

This tweet got 10,000,000 views.

Originally when I saw this I rolled my eyes.

Here we go again. Somebody is sharing their ridiculous requirements for a partner on Twitter. Just the $300-$500K in total compensation part is a bit ridiculous, and the fact it’s second on their list after height is kind of pretentious.

Let’s not downplay that.

She got roasted in the replies by people. You can check out the tweet (linked in the photo above) if you want to see for yourself.

When I sat back to think about this list, though — like really think about it — I couldn’t find anything morbidly wrong with it.

It’s a girl who’s sharing a picture of her dream boyfriend. What’s wrong with having standards for a partner — especially men — who’ve been known to suck at life more often than not?

Sure, some of her requirements are a little pretentious and show a lot about what kind of person she is, but there’s a lot of stuff to love about this list, too.

