This is How You Create an Environment That Creates Momentum and Motivation

Good environment = 10x progress

Anthony Moore
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Sven Mieke/Unsplash

“If you don’t create and control your environment, your environment will create and control you.” -Marshall Goldsmith

A great environment creates momentum for you when you can’t muster it up yourself.

Your environment either forces you to move forward and take action…or stay stuck in your current position. Essentially, your environment is one of the most powerful influences over your success…or failure.

Unfortunately, many people are stuck trying to succeed in destructive, noisy, unhelpful environments. It’s like trying to lose weight but keeping unhealthy junk food all over your home. It’s just too easy to go back to your old habits.

But when you design your environment to set you up for success, you’ll start achieving goals almost automatically. It’s like being on a conveyor belt where you make progress faster than ever, with less effort than ever. It’s far easier to succeed in that environment.

If you want to succeed at whatever you do, you need to start with creating an environment that makes it impossible not to succeed. In the words of Tony Robbins:

“If you want lasting change, you have to



Anthony Moore
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Writer for CNBC, Business Insider, Fast Company, Thought Catalog, Yahoo! Finance, and you.