Three Psychological Reasons You Need to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Just stop. Don’t do it.

Zulie Rane


“selective focus photo of black pug” by Charles Deluvio 🇵🇭🇨🇦 on Unsplash

What’s the best way to feel inadequate, no matter how successful you are by objective standards?

Comparing yourself to other people.

How many times can you look at yourself, look at someone else and feel really garbage about yourself?

Speaking from personal experience as a seasoned comparison-ist, it’s a lot.

People put their whole lives up on social media nowadays, making it easier than ever to feel inadequate with just a click of a button!

Whether it’s looking at an old college friend’s LinkedIn profile (way more successful than me) or looking at other cat accounts on Instagram (racking up many more followers than mine), I compare myself to other people every day. And I always make myself feel bad.

Chances are, you do too. Here’s are three reasons why you need to stop — and the best way to do it.

1. It’s all a lie

“person lying on lounger under patio umbrella” by chris tang on Unsplash

It’s crazy I have to say this, but it’s worth repeating: what people post on social



Zulie Rane

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.