To Crush Your 2021 Goals, Use This 180 Day Plan

It’s helped me make $200,000 online

Tom Kuegler
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

A few years ago, I was at the end of my rope. A freelancing client closed up shop overnight, and $100 per day vanished just like that from my life. I was caught with no backup plan.

I went to go eat pizza, even though I was allergic to bread.

I’m a stress-eater, what can I say?

I realized in that moment that I wanted to be a blogger for a long time, but I didn’t have enough confidence to sell something. That’s why I hadn’t taken that next step yet. With my back against the wall, and no alternatives, I decided to just go for it. What else could I do?

I wrote a crude online course outline, I used Google University to figure out how to sell it, and I used the process I’m about to show you to put it all into action. Three weeks after I had my epiphany, I sold 12 spots of my new online course, and made $2,500 in 1 hour.

Let me teach you that process now. I have never seen anyone use this before, and it’s my unique take on organization, goal setting, and productivity.

Let’s get down to it.

It starts with a Google Document.

Make A 6-Month Plan Google Document

