University Isn’t for Everyone…But it’s Never a Waste

Lessons learned from someone who didn’t like school.

Varun Penamatsa
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo by Baim Hanif

I didn’t want to stay in university.

Many moments throughout my time, at a relatively prestigious institution in the Greater Boston area, found me wanting to high-tail it off campus and run as far away as possible from the seemingly endless influx of assignments, exams, and questions of “what do you want to do with your life?”.

Yet despite the many stresses I encountered, despite my belief that the higher education system is unsustainable, overpriced, and overrated (especially so in the US), and despite struggling to be grateful for what was meant to be a privilege, I’m very glad I stayed in school.

While it’s not for everyone, school can provide a (sometimes necessary) structure to help you discover who and how you want to be.

And, like any life experience, it’s never a “waste”.

First Things First: College is Hard for Everyone

I try, especially in hindsight, to avoid defining life events as inherently good or bad.

100% of the (seemingly) worst moments of my 23 years have turned out to be catalysts for growth and change that guide me towards more authentic ways…



Varun Penamatsa
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Helper, seeker, student. Explorer of health and the human condition. Curious about everything. ❤️