What it Means to Change Careers After Graduation as a Millennial (From Experience)

Edwin Warui
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
4 min readFeb 9, 2019

The merrymaking is over. It’s time to get to work.

Everyone has high hopes for you.

But there is an inescapable problem.

The once red-hot fire is slowly dying out. You can’t envision yourself working in the career you studied for. You believe there is a better way to utilize your talent and skills.

What do you do now?

Confusion rears its ugly head. Meanwhile, you need to foot inevitable bills.

It’s an unsettling period that demands careful thought.

Good thing…..

There is hope after all.

Here are some factors to be aware of and get you better prepared;

The Family and Friends Dilemma

Tuition is costly.

Many won’t understand your decision.

They will think that you wasted money and time. It’s well-meaning advice, and it fills you with guilt. You don’t want to disappoint them.


Deep down you know something else-your education was a toolbox. It hands you the tools to solve life’s problems.

This is what you are aiming for.

If your resolve isn’t strong enough, they will win you over. It’s a slippery slope, but you can handle it.

Will power gives you a thick skin that allows you to keep moving forward.

Ignoring them isn’t advisable.

Having an open and honest conversation is good for a start. The progress will only get harder if you don’t have anything to show for it. They will think you lost track and headed for doom.

Just keep going.

Being your own cheerleader will help you big time. It will keep you on track and towards progress.

A Dumb Mistake to Avoid

If you have figured out something to do beforehand, well and good.

But what if you don’t know what to do?

Stop beating yourself up thinking you made a mistake. Get yourself out there and do something. Acquire some skills and put them into practice.

Thinking all day long is stupid. You don't think your way to success. The only way is getting your hands dirty and working to achieve it.

The thing that you do has a way of leading you to what makes you alive and fulfilled. You will know it when you see it. Just keep grinding.

There are bills to pay and a life to live. Make it count.

What About Your Dreams?

Photo by Muhammad Haikal Sjukri on Unsplash

Consciously or subconsciously they are what led to this decision. You just don’t think that your studied course will take you there.

When they are clear, it’s super-easy to keep moving forward despite the opposition. They provide the fuel.

If you can make them clear at the beginning, the better. If not, it’s wise to first work on them because they will be the roadmap. They will kick confusion and unnecessary distractions out of your life.

They push you out of your comfort zone. You grow and learn.

You don’t want to sleepwalk through life. Making a positive larger- than- life impact is what you deeply crave for.

Why You Need to Rethink Careers

The world is changing fast. The fourth industrial revolution is here with us.

With the recent technological advancements, more jobs are popping out. These require the learning of new skills.

If a field excites you, don’t hold back. Increase your knowledge and start working. A World Bank report estimates that technology advances have created more than 23 million jobs in Europe between 1999 and 2016.

This opens more doors for growth. It’s a ray of hope especially if you are seeking a fresh challenge.

What Nobody Tells You

It will be scary. You will feel like you can’t do it. Like throwing in the towel.

This will cripple you to the core. You need to remind yourself daily that you are enough. That you have what it takes.

Accept that you don’t know everything.

Don’t be afraid to ask for advice from others who have done it. Connect with those that have stepped off the beaten path. They remind you it’s possible. That the difficulties are commonplace and you can make it.

It builds your confidence and courage to keep pushing on while celebrating little successes along the way.

What Has Money Got to Do With it?

You can’t deny it-money plays a weighty role in our lives. It makes a significant difference.

The bucks will be tempting on the other side. It will be a delicate balance. Paying your bills and scaling the wall of fulfillment.

It’s a question of job security and seeking satisfaction. Which one do you choose?

Find that sweet spot. The in-between that creates a balance in your life.

In Conclusion

Criticism will make you feel like you are crazy walking away.

Should you blindly accept that path especially when your colleagues are satisfied that way?

Don’t fall into that trap.

It’s not worth it. You can blaze your trail and chase success on your terms.

Everyone’s path is unique, and there is no right or wrong way.

It’s your story-be the hero in it.



Edwin Warui
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

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