What Loneliness Looks Like In Your Twenties

The epidemic before the pandemic.

Zed Bee
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash

Loneliness in your twenties almost sounds like it should be an oxymoron. I was promised that this decade would be fun-filled with friends, love, parties, and freedom. But much like university, my twenties have failed to live up to the expectations I had conjured up. Instead, most of this decade has seen me wrangle with a life-changing career move, many false starts, entrepreneurial dead ends, and the prize among all of this, loneliness.

I met up with a friend last week, and she mentioned that despite trying to keep in contact with friends, she was finding her attempts unsuccessful, which left her feeling isolated. Strange, I thought, she’d just got married, how could she feel lonely?

But loneliness shows up in different ways for different people.

The times I’ve felt most lonely

Over the years, I’ve come to adjust to this feeling, but I’ve had experiences that have made me feel acutely more lonely. But on the flip side, I’ve also learned a few things that have helped me feel less lonely. Here is a quick list of lonely triggers:

Being left on read

Messaging someone and then being left on read or waiting for a reply and not getting…



Zed Bee
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

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