What No One Tells You About Life After Graduation

It’s not as magical as you thought it would be.

Rachel Hardy
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


“We hurry over the road that stretches from childhood to maturity only to discover that its most beautiful scenery escaped our vision.” -James Lendall Basford

As a young college freshman, I had grand delusions of what life would be life after graduation.

I imagined a beautiful life for myself, a life with a fiancé or a husband, living in my own apartment or starter home with the white picket fence, driving my new car to my new fabulous job. I imagined a world of freedom. A world without curfews and tests and papers and professors telling me where to be and when to be there.

As I settled into my class routine and the assignments began to pile up that first semester, I found myself pining for the freedom I believed that would await me the day I threw that black cap in the air. I, like so many of my classmates, was already looking forward to graduation.

So we began to prepare for that fated day. We took all the right classes and joined clubs and completed internships and beefed up our resumes. We devoted our time and energy to perfecting our GPA’s and our professors stood in front…



Rachel Hardy
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Join me as I embrace an intentional, natural, and slow life that’s true to me💕 Aspiring breath coach 💨 Dog mom 🐶 SEO professional 💻