What Should I Do With My Life?

The simple answer: follow your heart

The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Original article published by Rob Liu at: lifeclub.org/purpose

I went to one of those personal development seminars once, and asked a barrage of questions:

“Shut up”, the seminar leader said.

“You already know all the answers inside. You’re just asking me for permission to do what you already know is right. You’re looking for validation. Stop. You don’t need anyone’s permission. When you get an internal sense of what’s right, just go do it. Act, and then see what happens. Adjust your actions depending on the results that you get.

When you come across a problem, think for yourself how to solve it, trust in your own judgement. See the world with your own fresh pair of eyes and make your own conclusions from first hand experience. Don’t just listen to everything that other people tell you. Always question and think critically; other people are no smarter than you are. Listen to others, but think for yourself.”

