Why I Needed to Suffer Imposter Syndrome in My First Post-Grad Job

My journey to building resilience and professional confidence

Lydia Klemensowicz
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Elia Pellegrini/Unsplash

Nerves and doubt were taking over my body as I was waiting apprehensively for the call. I was uneasy but hopeful. At the time, it felt as if my entire future was riding on this one decision. My professional fate was in the hands of someone else. My phone rang, and I frantically picked it up to hear these words:

“We’d like to hire you for the correspondence position in our office.”

I was coming to the end of my undergraduate degree. I was still a month away from my final exams, and now I had a full-time job lined up. And one that was in my field of interest no less: politics. I could finally, confidently join my peers that had a plan after graduation.

My final exam was on a Friday, and my first day of work was the following Monday. Talk about a seamless transition.

With my first-day outfit picked out, offers of “congratulations” from friends and family, and an idealistic vision for how this job would play out, I felt ready to hit the ground running. I felt invincible.

It wasn’t the first day I had hoped it would be. It wasn’t the first week I had expected either or the first month. Heck, the first few…



Lydia Klemensowicz
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Reiki Master | Love & Breakup Coach | I help people heal from heartbreak so they can attract the love and life they deserve. Learn more @healwithlydia