Why I Think the FIRE Movement Is Stupid

I don’t like breakfast burritos.

Sergey Faldin 🇺🇦
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Disclaimer: just because I think FIRE is stupid, doesn’t mean I think you are. Or anybody who follows FIRE (including the people I talk about in this piece).

This piece reflects my honest opinions on the movement itself, not the people following it. If you think FIRE is for you, by all means, pursue it and have fun.

Image credits to CAGRFunds.com

Breakfast burritos.

That’s what comes to mind when I think about FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) — a popular millennial movement of retiring at 30.

In the world of 18-year-old millionaires, hustlers, startups, Lambos on Instagram, and “fuck-you-money”, it’s a refreshing idea.

Instead of making millions, you don’t have to change your income. Save at least half of what you make, live extremely cheaply, and in 7–15 years (depending on your savings rate), you’ll be able to live off dividends from your index funds investments.

You’ll not have to work ever again unless you want to.


As an obsessive type, when I first heard about FIRE, I immediately dove in everything there was on the subject. I read three books. I watched a documentary. I followed blogs that sounded more like magazines about…



Sergey Faldin 🇺🇦
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Honest thoughts. Unpopular opinions. Not necessarily true or smart. | The Guardian, Al Jazeera, Meduza | muckrack.com/sfaldin | Subscribe: sergeys.substack.com