Why is Andrew Tate So Popular? The Answer Might Surprise You

It’s obvious

Tom Kuegler
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo by Tim Bogdanov on Unsplash

Andrew Tate.

Think what you want of the guy, but his rise to superstardom online has been nothing short of spectacular.

Jordan Peterson.

Think what you want of this guy, but his message has resonated with many young men around the world.

My question is simple..


Why do these men command loyal followings of millions?

Some of you reading might say “Because they’re encouraging men instead of putting them down and labeling them as toxic!”

With respect, it’s deeper than that.

I think the reason men like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson are so well-loved is because many men in our society are doing a shit job. If they weren’t doing a shit job, then young men wouldn’t flock to them like a Messiah figure and damn near worship the ground they walked on.

Olivia Wilde recently said that Jordan Peterson was the “King of the Incels.”

Piers Morgan asked Jordan about this on his show recently and I want you to read Jordan’s response:

Piers: “Are you the intellectual hero for these people (incels)?”

