Why it’s okay to take a break from your resume

Graduating without a job was the best thing I could do for myself.

Xiaoxiao Meng
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo by Ali Arapoğlu from Pexels

Two weeks ago, I did the unthinkable.

I walked across the stage at my college graduation, accepted my diploma, and then went home…without a job.

Somehow, I always imagined that the version of me who was strong and smart enough to graduate from college would be strong and smart enough to figure out a job for myself before graduation. But there I was. Despite all the time I spent searching, applying, interviewing, I still didn’t have a job.

My friends and family were kind. They told me I should go home, take a well-needed break. That I’d be able to regroup and figure something out that would be even bigger and better than before.

Even with their support, I was still frustrated. For all the jokes I cracked about starving artists and unemployment, graduating without a job offer in hand still felt like a failure.

More than anything, I think that I was afraid.

I was afraid of stagnating. Losing my direction and my drive. Every day of my life up until the day of my graduation, everything I did led into an obvious next step. I went to middle school to go to high school, high school to get into college…

