Why Tiny Homes Represent Total Freedom

Could this movement be the solution to our Millennial woes?

Ruth B
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo Credit: Mateusz Salaciak/Pexels

If you were to go through my search history, you would know that I have a huge obsession with tiny homes. But I’ll be honest; the movement didn’t exactly appeal to me at first.

As a young adult, I pictured myself graduating college and moving to a cool Brooklyn loft or a stylish Parisian apartment. I’d have a closet full of designer clothes, and I’d take romantic getaways and stay in luxurious Airbnbs — all while paying down my student loan and saving for retirement, of course.

I think it was around the time I went back to school for a second undergraduate degree that I realized I was a bit delusional about the reality of my situation. Not only had I taken on additional student loans, but at this rate, I’d be at least twenty-eight by the time I started earning a salary. My blissful early twenties daydream was slipping away, replaced by a rising panic that I would never be able to afford my dream life.

I was quickly coming to the realization that I wouldn’t be able to afford the downpayment on a decent home, let alone travel the world before settling down and starting a family. How did people afford it all? Or was everyone just up to their eyeballs in debt?



Ruth B
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Sharing adventures and advice in dating, love, & relationships.