Why You Might Not Want to Be Batman

The Cost of Perfection

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The Post-Grad Survival Guide
2 min readApr 16, 2018


by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

Whenever I’m daydreaming about the future, I find myself switching between two dramatically different lifestyles. There’s the one where I’m a successful academic who’s completely dedicated to research. The other is where I’m a family man with a couple of kids and a few dogs. Both of those sounds wonderful to me, but it seems like I can’t have both.

One requires a dedication to perfection while the other a dedication to intimacy. Perfection does not allow for intimacy and vice versa.

I’d like to use one of my favorite classic superheroes to further elaborate.

Photo by Serge Kutuzov on Unsplash


Batman is the epitome of a perfection dedicated lifestyle. His single-minded drive to fight crime shows that. He’s detail oriented and meticulous. His key attributes are his preparatory and detective skills. Rather than relying on super strength or psychic abilities, Batman plans for every possible scenario. He has no desire for friendship or family, his only concern is Gotham

Even if he did want to pursue the family life, would he be a good father. I mean, look at Damien. He would have to spend the time he would saving the world else where. This is not perfection. Close though.

by Sabine van Straaten on Unsplash


On the other hand, you’ve got the Danny Turners, Jim Halperts, Carl Winslows, and Phil Banks side of life. Loving fathers and family men. They’ve cultivated their connection with their family and friends by spending time with them. Not stuck in a cave. What they get out of life isn’t a product, mission, or discovery.

They get love and that’s enough.


We live in a society that promotes productivity and results. I’m definitely one to take up projects and learn a lot. But this constant desire for more can make us lose sight of what’s important.

At the end of the day, it’s the relationships we’re in that provide meaning in our lives.

What would be the point of success, wealth, and power just for the sake of it? This isn’t me telling you to drop your dreams. I’m not going to stop working hard. I’m more motivated than ever.

Just make sure to stop and appreciate the people that you’ve got around you.

