Why You Should Definitely Leave Your Hometown

Tom Kuegler
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
1 min readNov 17, 2016


I normally hate coming back to my hometown. To tell you honestly I haven’t been back much for the past three years.

Too many memories.

Everybody still lives here, too. Did anyone think to leave? There is a world out there, in case they didn’t know.

I normally hate coming back, but the past three weeks have been fantastic. I think I know why.

It’s because I got out and saw the world.

I made a semi-stable life for myself while enjoying my newfound freedom.

I made mistakes, I made new friends, I even lost a few — but I did it all on my own.

Staying in your hometown breeds complacency, while leaving breeds thankfulness.

I know the people here. I know where to go if you want a good time on a Saturday. I know the coaches of the local football teams. But I also know the same things in a few other places around the world.

Coming back sure is an adventure. I was just a boy in Maryland before, but now I’ve come back a man. New perspective, I guess.

That’s why everyone should leave their hometown.

