Why You Should Try the Pomodoro Technique for Writing

Tessa Palmer
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
6 min readJun 13, 2019


Photo by krisna iv on Unsplash

In my journey to write high-quality work, faster, I’ve been experimenting with one or two productivity techniques. One I particularly like for writing is the Pomodoro Technique.

You probably already know about this method but for those who are new, it’s pretty simple:

  • work for 25 minutes
  • take a 5 minute break
  • repeat 4 times, then take a longer 20 minute break

If you’re struggling to focus, especially while writing, I’d really encourage you to try this method. While it’s hard to focus solidly for 1 hour at a time, 25 minutes is a great length to really buckle down and get some writing done.

It’s an example of a small, achievable goal.

Yet while small, it packs a punch. I consistently surprise myself at how much I can write in 25 minutes. It seems short, and it is, but you can also get a lot of writing done because the pomodoro helps you find your writing ‘zone’.

And more importantly, stay in it.

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