Living to be 100 Years Old

Since we cannot predict the future, choosing a direction should always include a positive option; Either this, or something better. If you find yourself choosing between the lesser of two evils, you’re doing it wrong.

Jerry Roth
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Leadership Training from the Lion King — RockerFeller.Rocks

Despite all the book-learning you’ve received, as Ian Wilson once said, “No amount of sophistication is going to allay the fact that all your knowledge is about the past and all your decisions are about the future.”

What I want to do today is help you get started. After all, your future could be a very long time. There are many people alive today who will live to be 125 years old. Maybe older. Living to 100 and beyond has become commonplace. Expecting to work at a job for 40 years and retiring with a nice pension, is an ancient dream. The better expectation is to have many jobs, learn many skills, live in many places, and experience many things.

“The IQ and the life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other in opposite directions.” — George Carlin



Jerry Roth
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

It’s only lonely at the top if you're there by yourself. 44 years of management experience I would love to share with you. Visit