You Can Be Deliriously Happy If You Stop Chasing This

Alice Vuong
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
5 min readJan 23, 2019


How we’re all making ourselves miserable

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

What is it that you’re chasing?




What would it mean to you if you had everything you desired?

Would the chase for the next best thing end for you and you decide to live and bask in everything you have?

Or would you have another goal?

More money.

More fame.

More, more, more.

The chase for all these things and more lead us to believe we’ll end up with one thing at the end of the day.


We are constantly chasing happiness.

And we need to stop.

The Problem with the Chase

If you ask anyone what they want to be, they’ll say, “I just want to be happy.” And they’ll say it with a sad distant look in their eyes, never truly believing that it’ll happen for them.

The problem with “wanting to be happy” is that we believe our current life isn’t good enough.

