You Gotta Dig A lil Deeper

And two other lessons from the Princess and the Frog.

Melissa A. Matthews
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


rPhoto by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

I’ve been in a funk! And when I say funk — I mean FUNKY! I know it’s because there is an indescribable wind of change in my life right now. There are concrete changes — my partner taking on a new job, my daughter getting prepared to start primary school — and then there is something brewing deep within in me. It’s a stirring that I’m familiar with but never gets any easier.

Whenever my life is going to shift, I know because my intuition starts to ring alarm bells. For lack of another phrase, my spidey senses get to tingling (and I’m writing an entire post about that).

The shift in my internal universe usually puts me in a foul mood. I’m a risk taker and an adventure lover but deep down in my soul, I like routines and change is hard for me.

Delving into regular things helps me cope. Thus, I focus on things like cooking dinner and combing my daughter’s hair as shelter from any brewing storms. I feel absolutely safe and capable doing those things.

We have an open planned apartment. I can see almost everything from the kitchen. My daughter has been on a full-length feature flick binge, lately. She went to her first movie in the cinema a few months ago and we’ve taken her twice since then. In fact, today, she is…

