Your Job Hunt Isn’t Over. Keep Pushing.

When you’re unemployed and your confidence is shot, read this.

The Post-Grad Survival Guide
2 min readDec 27, 2017


It’s hard. I know.

I am with you, pal.

Your bank account is depleting.

You’re emotionally and mentally exhausted because you’ve been through so many interviews but none of them have responded back.

It’s rough.

Your pep-talk is beginning to sound like Marshall’s from How I Met Your Mother.

Trust me, I am THERE. WITH. YOU.

I almost didn’t want to write anything today because I feel so drained.

But a little post by Tejal Wagadia — The Frustrated Recruiter from LinkedIn just gave me that bit of hope that I needed. Especially today.

She told a story about how she got laid off last year and how she managed to push through:

The first interview I went on, they offered me the position. It was less than what I was making, and a smaller company. Something didn’t feel right.

So I kept interviewing and kept being rejected. I was treated like crap. I questioned whether I should have taken the first offer.

Yes, it happened to me. My confidence was shot. I wanted to give up. But I didn’t.

After 3 weeks into my job search, I finally had an offer that I liked and that’s the one I took.

I know you, the job seeker are feeling terrible right now. But know that in the end it will all be okay. And if it isn’t, it’s not the end.

So you’re not the only one. And a lot of us are going through it.

Let me tell you.

You’ll be fine. We’re all going to be fine.

But don’t sit around and wait for something to drop at your lap.

  • Keep on applying to jobs.
  • Keep asking friends if they know any openings.
  • Make connections through social media. Smart connections.
  • Finish that challenge that you made your self.

Keep your chin up and try to come with a back-up plan. Even if it means you have to ask for mom and dad for help. It’s okay.

You will find a job. And Good Luck!

Hi, I’m Jemellee. But you can call me, Jem. Yes, like the ’80s cartoon

I’m a freelance writer for hire within the tech, social media, blogging, gaming, and entertainment industries. I’m also chocolate chip cookie eater, a Stitch collector, and a Netflix marathon runner.

Want to get in touch with me?

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