You’re Hired

Tom Kuegler
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
Sent as a


1 min readMar 23, 2017


Hello guys,

Thanks for being part of the Post-Grad Survival Guide community. I have big plans (believe me) for the future of this publication — one of them being a job board.

That’s right.

Jobs, jobs, and more jobs. It’s gonna be beautiful. And we’re going to do a great job.

All I need you to do is fill out this 9-question survey (that’s beautiful, by the way), and I can better understand you, and implement my “Post-Grad Survival Guide First” plan.

But seriously guys, if you could fill out my survey, that would be much appreciated. I need a few more answers to get a better grasp of my demographic so I can fill the PSGS job board with relevant postings!

Thanks so much for working with me on this,

Donal — I mean, Tom Kuegler

Editor, The Post-Grad Survival Guide

