Photo by Dustin Dagamac

You’re Nothing Without Goals

Take it from me — the queen of indecision.

Valerie Sizelove
4 min readAug 20, 2018


I’m in another Medium slump.

It’s not that I don’t have ideas — I have plenty. There are tons of half written posts in my queue, and I still have 100 ideas that I brainstormed for Frank McKinley’s 30 Posts in 30 Days Challenge (I failed and quit about halfway through, by the way).

So why can’t I write?

  • I can’t quiet my mind enough to focus.
  • I can’t write with constant interruptions from my family.
  • I don’t feel like anyone wants to read my stuff (even if that’s not really the case).
  • I am getting disgusted with my personal stories (even though they make my best posts!).

It’s like, I was pumped in the beginning, so much that I earned 1K followers in 4 months. Not to mention, top writer in 3 categories! And after I hit those milestones? It feels like I’m back to square one.

And there’s also that voice inside, whispering: you’re not really a writer silly, quit kidding yourself.

Where do I want to go next?

What is it exactly that I’m working toward? What kind of stories do I want to write? Why am I even doing this?



Valerie Sizelove
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Early 30’s, mentally complex, twisted and honest, reflecting and growing, catching and sharing gems with all my kindred. Soul connection addict. Shapeshifter.