How to Contribute to The Post Mind: The Publication

How to be added as a writer and know submission guidelines

Abhidev Vaishnav
The Post Mind


Welcome to The Post Mind: We are seeking new writers!

Do you want to contribute?

If you are interested in writing for The Post Mind, please respond with “I want to write for The Post Mind” with following:

  • A link to your Medium profile
  • A link to your unpublished draft


  • Articles must follow Medium’s rules, content guidelines, and be ad-free.
  • Submissions should have a headline written in title case, and a subtitle written in sentence case.
  • Articles should be live in this publication only, and should not be republished in another place on Medium.
  • Your topic should fall under the following categories:
  1. Mental Health
  2. Self Improvement
  3. Mindfulness
  4. Social Media Marketing
  • We will also have a dedicated feature page for someone who writes poems if you’re interested.

We reserve the right to lightly edit your article for grammar/spelling. We will notify you of any significant changes before publishing your article.


If you encounter any issues or have questions about our guidelines, you can contact directly via

(Note: Send you drafted submissions directly to this email, or contact me on Instagram- @abhidevvaishnav)

We’ll look forward to reading your content.

— The Post Mind

