Writing for The Postcapitalist

If you would like to write for us…

Anthony Signorelli
The Postcapitalist


If you would like to write for The Postcapitalist, our guidelines are pretty simple.

First, this publication is about postcapitalism — in other words, what comes after capitalism. The primary idea is that digitalization is going to change the economy and society, and we are interested in exploring those possibilities, hearing about new initiatives in digitalization, understanding the impact of development that move us or not in that direction. Please read the Manifesto. Please do not submit stories focused on reforming capitalism, promoting socialism or communism, or advocating that everyone drop out of society and go back-to-the-land. They are not on topic and will be rejected.

Second, submit to the publication. We only publish previously unpublished stories.

To apply, add a comment that says “I would like to write for The Postcapitalist” and I will add you and respond.

Thanks, and welcome to The Postcapitalist.

Anthony Signorelli

