I Have Many Israeli Friends.


Kash Shaikh
The Power in Words.


I have many Israeli and Jewish friends. Some of my best friends, actually. They are amazing people. I have many Palestinian and Muslim friends. Some of my best friends, actually. They are amazing people.

Come to think of it, my life is decorated with friendships, conversations and experiences with people that are supposed to hate each other: Indians and Pakistanis, Ukrainians and Russians, Turks and Greeks, English and Irish, Americans and Arabs. Blacks and Whites and Browns.

We are raised in households, classrooms and hallways that teach us to fear more and love less. Hate is easy, so we do it often. It hides our own ignorance and insecurities. So we hold it, like a heavy blanket. We drape our hate over our conscience and tie it over our eyes. Blinded with our rush to judgement and buried by our reasons to blame.

I’ve travelled to 43 different countries. I have lived in the nicest places, and slept in the dirtiest slums. I’ve dined with diplomats over perfectly-cooked and impeccably-prepared filet mignon atop the Address Hotel in Dubai. And I’ve shared a Snickers with a homeless man in New York.

I am not an expert on many things. But I do know people. The greatest blessing I’ve been given in life has been the opportunity to meet and speak and connect with people all over the world. And I’m telling you, most of what you read and hear and hypothesize is not true. Yes there are some bad people in the world. But no, their actions and intentions have nothing to do with their skin color, or birthplace, or the language in which they speak to God. The bad guys are the minority. But with every smear and every stain and every slur, we allow their punches to pack more power. If we all begin to untangle our thoughts and untwist our tongues and unlock the truth that sits beneath the surface, we can hit back harder.

This is what I know:

1. We are ALL much more similar than we are different. We all cry and laugh and smile at the same things. The dreams of a dad and the cares of a child in Africa are the same of those in Austin. I know, because I talked to thousands… in both places and across countless borders and boundaries in between.

2. The greatest cure to racism, prejudice and ignorance is travel. Travel. The farther you go, the more you learn about yourself. And the more you realize that the TV lied to you. And the internet isn’t all that trustworthy. And these people that that you were scared of are actually pretty awesome…. Explore.

3. No matter what bullshit propaganda is spewed by politicians, when you kill civilians and children it’s not war, it’s murder. And we should speak out. Because our voices are louder than we think.

There are way more good people than bad people in this world. We are all part of the good bunch. Let’s stop being so damn scared. Let’s get angry when necessary but forgive when needed. Let’s never let anyone or anything take away the gentleness that makes us human, or the strength that makes us humane.

We are all in this together.





Kash Shaikh
The Power in Words.

Founder #besomebody & @besomebodyblog/ Built brands at @GoPro & @ProcterGamble/ Passionate about creating a new path for learning. www.besomebody.com