7 Tips for Creating an Encouraging Environment for Yourself

Learnings from 100+ Real Life Stories

Liane Cafarate
The Power of Encouragement


Last week we shared the top 5 learnings from the 100+ stories we collected about encouraging and discouraging experiences. We emphasized how vital encouragement is while pursuing your dreams. After talking to so many people, we know there’s a lot at stake.

That’s why we believe if we want to be happier and more successful, it’s crucial to ensure we get as much encouragement as we can. And I tell you, there’s no such a thing as too much encouragement. 🤩

But how can we do that? How can we create an encouraging environment that will provide the fuel we need to keep going? Even more importantly, how can we protect ourselves from discouragement that will definitely happen from time to time?

Well, from our research, we noticed some behaviors when people told us how they faced challenging times and how they protected themselves when it was needed.

That’s what we learned:

1) You control who is in your closer circles

When I was younger, my mom used to say: “Tell me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are.” Back then, I thought she wasn’t right, but now I couldn’t agree more. We learned from our…



Liane Cafarate
The Power of Encouragement

I am a dreamer! I am genuinely interested in Gender Equality / Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. I love Operations and Customer Success 🤩. Ah, and cats 🥰!