Grandmothers and Social Change

The world needs grandmothers more than ever

The Grandmother Collective (GMC) works to raise the profile of grandmothers (and older adults) as essential contributors to social change. We work with organizations to equip grandmothers with models and tools that can address local challenges and connect them to a global community of grandmothers and grandmother-centered organizations that are focused on creating a better future for all.

In our latest paper, we define the qualities of grandmothers that are unique to their demographic, show the universality of their reach, share stories of their social impact, and give reasons why now is the time to empower grandmothers to enact social change. Ultimately, we know that “Grandmother Action” can change the world.

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The Power of Grandmothers
The Power of Grandmothers

Published in The Power of Grandmothers

Stories, insights and evidence of the powerful ways that grandmothers advance social change.

Lynsey Farrell
Lynsey Farrell

Written by Lynsey Farrell

anthropologist, mom, promoter of changemakers everywhere