5 Simple Tips To Learn Much More From The Books You Read

It’s not just about how many books you read, it’s about how much you learn.

Jari Roomer
5 min readFeb 23, 2021

If there’s one habit that has fundamentally changed my life, it’s reading business and self-development books. They’ve taught me how to be healthier, more productive, more confident, and even how to build a successful business.

Most people, however, are overly focused on the number of books they read. They are focused on quantity. I used to be quantity focused too. I thought that reading more books would help me be more successful.

However, if you read 50 books a year but don’t remember much from each book, you’re less effective than someone who only reads 15 books a year but remembers a lot more, and actually applies the lessons learned.

Reading is not necessarily the same as learning. You should follow certain tips and techniques to remember, apply, and learn much more from the books you read — and that’s what this article is all about.

#1: Highlight The Most Important Lessons

Highlighting the most important quotes, lessons, and segments is one of the basics of learning more from the books you read. By highlighting the most important lessons, you tell your brain, ‘hey

