What Makes Beauty Brands So Obsessed With Micro-Influencers?

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2 min readJun 7, 2017

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Here’s what the industry’s been up to this week 🙃

Micro-influencer Jess Tran for Origins Brand

The retail landscape is shifting, and brands are becoming more consumer-centric. Brands are now relying on the power of digital to capture and grow their market.

Millennials are more receptive brands that market honest, genuine and relatable messages. Brands that form the right influencer partnerships are lightyears ahead of their competitors.

A small group of top-tier influencers were attracting a large chunk of brands to collaborate with. But, as the industry evolves, more micro-influencers are attracting top brands to work with them.

Nevertheless, there are a ton of brands that still don’t believe in influencer marketing! These are five of the biggest myths some brands still believe to be true.

How To Take Your Fashion Business D-T-C And Succeed In The Digital Era

The Fashion industry is at a point where retailers are struggling to maintain sustainable & consistent growth. Developing a strong digital strategy is essential for all brands!

Turning Millennial Prospects Into Customers

Millennials are powerful consumers and are collectively expected to spend more than $200 billion annually in 2017 and $10 trillion in their lifetimes.

Why Beauty Brands Are Obsessed With Micro-Influencers Right Now?

Though not as renowned as top influencers, micro-influencers tend to have higher engagement and more authentic connections with followers.

The 5 Biggest Influencer Marketing Myths That Won’t Die

No, influencer marketing doesn’t have to be expensive! And, no, you needn’t always compensate influencers.




Connecting Influencers with great Brands to receive free products for reviews on Instagram and Youtube.