Cosmic Coherence

Miles Seiden
1 min readJul 2, 2022
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Part I

The universe fills every cell
From skin to heart to brain
Each starry-eyed imagining
Is cosmic in refrain

As spacetime content rides the swell
Arising from the Bang
Expanding human consciousness
Is met with Sturm und Drang

Upon a flying rock we dwell
Astride a galaxy
We’re not the center of the Way
So why the vanity?

Part II

The benefit of sharing space
Is writ behind the brow
Accumulated wisdom builds
The bedrock of the now

With each inhale a windy trace
Draws epoch-spanning air
Its circulating essence bears
The tenor of Voltaire

That touch of wispy wit is grace
So long as we can feel
Connection that transcends the urge
To rule and dig the heel

The gravity of what we face
Is universal stuff
Our silly squabbles ‘tween the stars
Have gone on long enough



Miles Seiden

A (com)passionate creative consultant for visionary organizations. Poetry, stories, opinions and wordplay for a brighter today.