Echoes of Heartbreak

TM Elora
2 min readJun 7, 2023


Echoes of Heartbreak

My Dear,
It’s quite clear
your heart’s been stabbed with a spear.
It’s not what you want to hear
when life seems so very drear,
but the pain will pass, have no fear.

My Dear,
You don’t want me here
but if you need me, I’ll be near.

My Dear,
Remember I’m here
if you need a listening ear.
Together we’ll dry your tear.
I’ve got you, don’t you fear.

My Dear,
Can you hear?
Listen with your heart’s ear.
It’s loud and clear!
Love is near.
It didn’t disappear.

My Dear,
Love is here.
Let go of your fear.
Go into high gear
and let love steer.

My Dear,
To love, let’s cheer
with wine and cold beer.
Hear! Hear!

Notes: This poem is an experiment. I tried to convey the intricacies of the emotional journey to recovery from heartbreak using a limited vocabulary while preserving rhyme solely with words that resonate with “fear”.

I chose to use words that rhyme with “fear” because it is often fear that silently permeates all the other negative emotions. Fear of abandonment, fear of being alone, fear of vulnerability, and fear of repeating past pain can shape our journey of healing.

Additionally, by deliberately restricting my vocabulary, I endeavored to capture the simplicity of a conversation between close friends. I find it’s often in the unspoken words, the shared silences, and the heartfelt gestures that the true depth of friendship, understanding, and support resides.



TM Elora

Abstract Artist, Poet, Writer and Inspiration Junkie.