image by Verawaty

golden clouds

Apr 14, 2022

I am so sorry for the misery in my words

they do not claim the unhappiness

that has completed my loneliness

it only acknowledges the breaking points

within my days of hope and laughter

the days I do see the sun behind the clouds

the days I do remember the privileged of my fate

the days I fight to let love live beyond my sorrows

you cannot see love if you haven’t experienced

the other side of the golden world

you cannot recognize the beauty of sunshine

if you haven’t experienced the rain with thunder and storms

only then we can embrace the warmth of the sun

and treasure every ray of light like it’s the last

we will see in our memory




As Pherawaty, real name Verawati Calmer, I write prose and poetry to embrace darkness and sadness with love and light.