Light My Own Path To Purpose — A Poem

Why I alone must light the path on which I walk.

Michelle Marie Writes
2 min readJul 5, 2022
Image by Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay of a lit-up bridge in the forest
Image by Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay

Born unlucky in love
Felt unseen, unheard
Thought Cupid’s vision awry
His arrows too light
His aim misaligned
For he’s missed his every shot for my heart

Baffled I pondered why
Amiss in what I could be
For were I my own counterpart
I knew I’d love the likes of ME

Often easy on most eyes ;)
Stimulating to minds
Adventure-seeking near and far sights
I am an Empress
I create, I build, I conquer mastery
I rise with my third eye
I arrive with my cups self-filled high

Of far more substance than baggage
The gifts I bear are priceless
Positively impactfully written
The messages I carry are timeless

As a 4/6 in Human Design
I have a personal destiny
To find my life’s purpose
I myself alone must rely



Michelle Marie Writes

Mom, grant writer, aspiring author, Starseed — I write to impact positive change. Connect with me at