My World Revolves Around ME

Kylie M
1 min readFeb 23, 2022


For everyone who feels like they are trapped in orbit around someone else

I am not your moon

You are not my sun

You might have a slight gravitational affect on me

But I don’t REVOLVE around you

Don’t expect me to

I don’t expect you to drop everything

And come to my aid

And revolve around me

I can’t be your moon

You can’t be my sun

Maybe what you don’t understand

Is that I have a life too

I have a life that is not

Consisting of only you

Maybe what you don’t understand

Is that you are not the ultimate human being

You are not perfect

People don’t need to strive to be exactly like you

We need to strive to be ourselves

So get out of my way

I won’t revolve around you

I will fly towards greatness

Thank you for your time. I hope you have an amazing day. :)



Kylie M

Hi! I'm Kylie. I’m so excited to get my voice out there!