An illustration created by Frank Moone using the AI art program, Dream.AI showing a dreamlike setting.
Remembering a Dream | Created by the Author using Dream.AI


After Li Yu

Frank Moone
2 min readNov 13, 2022


Can I escape my life’s sorrows and regrets?
Is there some end to my sadness and heartache?
Last night I dreamed of my old home, my lost youth.
The fall leaves, the smell of smoke, I was back home.
When I awoke, my pillow was wet with tears.
Does anyone walk the stairs to my old room?
What does it mean to remember these lost things?
Like a waking dream, was my past ever real?

I encourage you to read more of my Chinese poetry adatpations by clicking on the list below. Most are from the Tang Dynasty, though there are a few from other eras as well. This poem was inspired by Li Yu, who was the last ruler of the Nan Southern Tang Dynasty. Li Yu succeeded his poet father, Li Jing, as ruler. His country was invaded by Taizu, founder of the Song Dynasty (960–1279).



Frank Moone

Cultural criticism, poetry, fiction, classics, philosophy, and plays. Coal miner's son. I read long novels.