Sunset On The Beach With My First Love

Poem: remembrance of things past

Erie Astin
1 min readFeb 26, 2023
“Sunset on the beach.” Image created by author with Midjourney AI, all rights reserved.

I watched you watch the waves,
blonde hair blowing in the breeze,

cheeks blushing pink —
sunburn, from lying on the beach.

You slipped off your shoes and spun to me,
laughing loud. “This is what we came for!”

you said. You blew me a kiss, then stepped
into the ocean, the water’s surface sizzling in the sun.

In my heart, I return to that shore
when I’m alone in the dark

and think of you in your blue bathing suit,
smelling of coconut oil

and watermelon cream,
smiling that smile that could cut

through all my shame.
The sky becomes a mirror

when I look at you.
I’ll again never feel so full.



Erie Astin

Travel writer. -- Humanist, animal lover, eternal striver. -- From Montana.