On Art

A Thousand Disguises — Literally

Well, more like 132, but who’s counting?

6 min readOct 15, 2023


22 Months, 66 Scenarios, 132 Characters

According to Jung, “we meet ourselves time and again in 1000 disguises on the path of life.”

Hello world! I’m a middle-aged woman chasing my lifelong dream of being a published author. Interestingly, over the past 2 years, this opportunity has presented itself in some VERY strange ways so here I am!

Loquacious, intelligent, fucking hilarious, sexy as hell, introspective, loud, confident, crude but rarely lewd, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

About The Power of the Ellipsis (medium.com), PHOTO: Jack Miller

I have a quirky (dry) sense of humor only some can truly appreciate. I believe IF there is ANY humor to be found in a situation, one should TAKE it. Life is not promised; we should live today like there may be no tomorrow. I may be verbose but I’m also very observant, approaching things in life as EXPERIMENTS… I view virtually everything as an opportunity for growth (even if in some weird way.) I ask myself, “what am I supposed to learn from this?”

I am strong and resilient even in the face of adversity to which I am no stranger. I am damaged: physically & psychologically abused, mentally ill, “recovering” addict, divorced 3X, mother to a transgender son…



Some relationship stuff, sex, humor, mental health, some kinky Rated R shit, better-self stuff, psychology, spirituality, philosophy. NO TECH OR POLITICS.