Love In Record Stores

Sutton Says
The Power of the Playlist
4 min readApr 8, 2024

By Frances

There’s this iconic scene in the movie Before Sunrise where the two main characters go to a record store in Vienna. We see them huddled closely together in a small listening booth in the back of the store and as the record plays, they keep stealing glances at each other, trying not to get caught. When you watch the scene, you can feel the awkwardness and tension in this intimate moment, but you also see the excitement both characters are trying to suppress. It’s a great scene because it perfectly captures that surreal moment of glee and terror when you’re having the best time with someone you’re falling for and you realize the feeling might be mutual, but you also want to keep cool, lest you spoil the magic.

The incredible thing about that moment is that it can really happen with anyone. Obviously, it’s amazing when it occurs with your crush, but I’ve found it is not exclusive to romantic love! I have had so many sprawling afternoons spent with friends where at some point I’ll have that moment- that moment where I’m almost in disbelief at how wonderful everything is and like my heart is about to burst inside my chest, and I truly can’t believe my luck, to be with someone I love and feel like we are completely in sync, and nothing will ever as perfect as this moment ever again in the world. That feeling of falling in love or being smitten, it need not be reserved for romance. It can strike at any time if the conditions are right. Lately, it’s been catching me off-guard in record stores while exploring new cities with old people or old haunts with new people.

Some people love record stores because they like to get kudos for their own good taste and some people love record stores because they love the thrill of the chase. I guess I qualify as more of the latter — I love flipping through bins and discovering outrageous band names and cover art, weird compilations, and singles I didn’t know existed by bands I love. I can get really into it — my heart races when I find something cool and I can lose track of time. It’s such a personal experience, which makes it questionable to do with others. It’s unnerving to invite another person into the process of searching for and finding music you love — whether it’s a friend, a lover, or simply the person next to you at the store flipping through records. It’s intimidating to put yourself out there like that! You’re basically moving through a public space announcing: this is me and this is what I like!

But that’s also why I love exploring a record store with people I love. You get to be on that journey together and that can make the process all the more special. Because sometimes you get that moment, when you look up from flipping through records and you see them doing the same thing and looking really content. Or, they call you over to share something they found and you get to share what you found and you’re excited for each other. Those moments are magic because yes, you’re excited about the music, but you’re also excited about the memory you’re making together while finding it. You’re excited you had someone here to share this silly thing with, someone who appreciates it. You feel comfortable. You feel understood. You feel happy. It’s such an incredible feeling. You want to bottle it up and so you can dab it on your wrists and neck on days you feel lonely, on days do not think you have anyone to talk to, on days you do not feel like you are someone worth talking to.

The beautiful thing is, you kind of do have it bottled up somewhere, though it’s not a spritz on your dresser: you have the records. Those “falling in love in a record store” moments are fleeting, but music has the strange power to conjure them back. Put on your records and time travel back to that day of joyful exploring. And next time you’re with a loved one and you pass by a record store or you’re in a record store, don’t hesitate. Go inside. Buy that 45. Just do it. You can never have too many soundtracks of days you felt happy and in love with life.

