Realize: Generating Insights to Fuel Your Pivot
Part 5 of the Reinvention Series
So you went out and asked your users a bunch of questions. You explored. You probably discovered a whole lot of new information about the ways in which you can tweak (or maybe radically change) your product.
Well, users are THE best R&D resources you will ever find. The absolute gold standard. But to really tap into their value, you have to know how to turn all that data into actionable insights.
What’s Your Secret
You want to build a high-value product or service that you can monetize. So the first thing you need to do is take a good look at all the information you’ve gathered and find a starting point. Ask yourself — “what’s my secret?”
A secret is something that fundamentally runs contrary to public opinion. Peter Thiel, whatever you may think of his politics, has a good point when he says that there is always a secret at the core of every successful business.
But the hard truth is that in a build-in-public world, most “secret sauces” are fairly shallow. You think blockchain will change how people transact online? Or that machine learning will make it easier to find the right event to attend? Yawn.