PY Ch 3— About Preseed Yoga, union WITH ONES OWN IDEA. My social profiles are about that kind of Yoga.

Nishchal Foolish Kesarwani
Preseed Essays (PE)
9 min readJul 9, 2014


Read the whole thread on my Twitter

Remember the chapter about Preseed Intro? Remember the mention of Preseed Yoga from there?Now, read this:

This essay also explains and connects Janta, through Janta Darbar Bharat and my own insta. Go through my Insta page to make better sense of it all. Someday day the other link will be made public too.

It is high time we put the perspective right. Purpose can be chosen but life has existentially happened out of a reason. In Yoga, we call this reason Ananda or blissfulness.

Through the grace of an overnight event in my life, I had an opportunity to take a jump and look beyond the limitations of one’s life, and, I was reborn. It was for this reason, that you may want me to lead your most critical thoughts.

The sole purpose of my life since then had been to make people capable enough so that they break their limitations and come to a state of freedom. Freedom is a large sphere with lots of subsets.

If life is a result of 1 billion factors and you remove a few; it will not be the same.

Only when the CEO’s get into an inclusive state the world can be steered in the right direction.

We are running our economy at the cost of our life. In the last 200 years, we have made extinct almost 50% of animal species and changed the same volume of plants. Collectively they had contributed to making humans happen. Now we are suffering.

An inclusive economy is urgently required. The path of conquest should get replaced with the path of inclusion. Exclusiveness will ultimately kill us.

The time that the world be ruled by kings and politicians are moving towards an end. The next power centres are going to be people in economic activities. It is time that they bring inclusiveness within themselves.

However, remember, prayer is not the ultimate Yoga.

This is not just about the world. The nature of human mechanics is such that if we run our mind faster than what our body and life can comprehend than distortions happen and no matter how much we become successful the joy and fulfilment will be far off. This is what has happened to the west; success and affluence have done the distortion and suddenly they are searching for purpose.

This is also Yoga but this is not Yoga. This is Hatha Yoga. Yoga is a state of harmony. It’s called the union.

The physical aspect of yoga has gained more popularity in the rest of the world. But the way our physical system has limitations the physical aspect of yoga also has limitations. Yoga fundamentally is the mechanics of life. The techniques and methodology may range to millions but fundamentally every path is trying to get the mechanics of life right.

It is time we reveal to the world the other aspects which can take the very life towards a state of wellness, not just the body. We are here to reveal those aspects of yoga which can be taught online and have solutions for not just the physical problems, but mental, relationships, career, spiritual and life at large. Entrepreneurs need these lessons especially.

Your approach should be like a double-headed arrow. The more inside it goes; the more outside it should go. At this moment we have lost the head which goes inside.

Yoga of ancient rishis of India rooted in knowledge, is the only way.

In yoga, out of the body? Introducing my Youtube playlist, S1 first and with that, our YOUTUBE CHANNEL, called, Preseed Admin. Out of body, no LSD, pot or even beer, just Goa and emptiness. Was it Prarabdha?

This event in goa was it. The final trigger to an undying spiritual curiosity.

I got an email from a friend in 2014. Get to these posts now —

This image is the first in the set of images on this post on Instagram by me —

My own god theory from my first Samadhi, in 2011

I had earlier written in my post ‘out of body’ about how I could really become music with music. In December of 2011 I reached Goa and fell in love with it.

I came back to Delhi in January 2012 and wrote this —

This and Aum are mostly all the medicines I have taken from the last 15 years.

I recently also made a post on facebook that resonates with my further expressions about particles in vibration.


This is for you. When you made me an offer in/around 2015, I was keen on not on a rental/space business (however extraordinary), but a startup incubation business with you. I wanted to manifest it and then come back to you. Most importantly, my heart was with entrepreneurs (that you knew of, perhaps that is why you made me an offer), as much as the education system. Preseed Yoga is my answer for leaving your offer temporarily. I am ready to join you now at your incubator.

Preseed Yoga is my cause and my creation, for both of us. I hope you like it.

I want to offer it to you, so I could join you with my Math team in Goa, in exchange for the deal mentioned in this publication, to ‘build’ it with you in person from there, among many other startups that you must be dabbling with through your new initiative.

Now, over 6 years since your offer to me, Preseed Yoga has manifested exactly as I had desired.

I hope I will get the opportunity to learn from you, the man I have secretly admired for many years now.

Read on pls.

Today, we are Preseed Ventures Pvt. Ltd. with a unique pre-incubation startup program called Preseed Yoga, at Preseed Ecell, on the beach. It is only for education startups for now, one education startup at a time. Now we are two startups strong —,, and my cofounders in these startups are Nirbhay Pherwani, Syed Shahzar &Naim Akram, and Shantanu Sharma respectively, without who Preseed Yoga wouldn’t have been possible. By 2025, Preseed Yoga will also have a modern ashram for such entrepreneurs like them. That modern ashram is Preseed Ecell.

Read our flagship program for startups called, Preseed Yoga really really well if you want to live among us at Preseed Ecell.

There are no restrictions. There may be challenges. But there are no restrictions. The mind is boundless. And so are we. We don’t consider your idea for incubation unless it is a thought that solves our own itch in an original newfound way.

Let us say the right things that bring people together:

Having said all of the earlier, I want you to never forget:

Who or what can guarantee that concept and reality are absolutely equal? The concept is one thing and reality is another and there is a tendency to overestimate our
own concepts. For more on this click the above link.

Introducing our Youtube channel:

Made of all topics covered in my medium essays.

Dharma, Karma and Sewa


Karma means action; an action can either bind or liberate you. If action is in pursuit of happiness, it binds and if it is an expression of happiness it liberates. Only if your action is an expression of your joy it is worthwhile otherwise it is just an exploitation.


There are certain rhythm which governs the functioning of life and existence. These rhythm can be called as laws or Dharma. Dharma exist at every sphere of life. If an action or Karma follows the appropriate rhythm or Dharma then it is correct in existential terms otherwise it is destructive.


Being available is seva. Like the Sun, the wind, fruits etc. The most fundamental law or Dharma of existence is Seva. Seva appropriates life and gives meaning to it.

“ When Karma, Dharma, and Seva fall in the same line then the whole effort is called as Karma yoga. At some point, the whole economics of India was designed on this line and evidence proves that it is the most successful and holistic. We endeavor to revive it. “

And Preseed Yoga is not your typical Yoga. Read on. As you progress into this essay, you will learn why we call this business service Preseed Yoga.

As a result, we together built a team that wanted to do something in Math. We wanted to do something in Math. We joined hands as cofounders, on two conditions:

  1. The markets we will work in at Preseed Yoga are markets that are ripe for launching in, after 10 years. So be in no hurry. Just align the core of your being to a common mission with us, in that market space of the future. For my visions are quite far-sighted.
  2. Preseed will keep the majority of the company. Furthermore, Preseed will be allowed to sell 50% of its equity in the concerned startup for personal cash gains, anytime and to any reasonable investor, who can further the goals of the concerned startup.

Such is the power of Preseed Yoga.

I asked myself taking inspiration from YC, what if instead of taking 7% each in 10 startups, I take 70% in one. Preseed Yoga is about that one startup at a time.

Preseed Yoga’s first startup —

By doing activity in the world; by choosing a purpose you are trying to reach out to that blissfulness only. The problem is that the direction is completely wrong. Therefore, it will lead to desperation and more intense activity. This vicious circle has no end. The only solution:
If you get in touch with your blissfulness. Then all activities will become inclusive.

Human beings are more than gadgets but function like gadgets. They have hardware and software. The software is acquired by them only, but they are unaware of it. Therefore, if they face a consequence they blame their destiny or God. Since they don’t have the necessary capability to create a change in the acquired software for the desired result; Our Yogis of the past created powerful energy zones to induce the necessary change. There is a whole science of consecration towards this. It’s almost a forgotten science of tremendous impact.

India is known for its consecrated energy. Temples are for that.

And this that I am doing, is not Yoga. Please don’t struggle in the name of Yoga. That will be Dhoka with Yoga. Athleticism in entrepreneurship
Is no different from Athleticism for real.
Meaning, to be an extraordinary entrepreneur, be fit.
Factors contributing to ones fitness — Self and gene.
Self — means here, ones own reason, drive and methods to stay fit.
Gene — I think I get it from my father. In part. And the other part, from my own self. He once walked for days from Haridwar to Badrinath, while he was 22 perhaps. He was on his way to exploring sainthood. I think that walk tells me about how he must have had the determination even in the muscles. Just like I do.

Preseed Yoga is about the metal action way of fixing your life. — You need to first understand this, to understand Preseed Yoga.



Nishchal Foolish Kesarwani
Preseed Essays (PE)

Here, I write my first flawed & fearless drafts of things that matter to me, mostly freedom. Let us start flaws with misspelling ‘Chief’, in my designation.